Category: Geopolitics

  • The eye of the storm

    The eye of the storm

    The White House continues to struggle under the weight of the Russian controversy as fresh details have emerged regarding Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian attorney who met with Donald Trump Jr. last year. US’ Department of Justice had been investigating on whether..

  • The future of TPP

    The future of TPP

    Chief negotiators from the 11 Trans-Pacific Partnership countries have met in Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan for a three-day meeting to discuss on the future of the trade deal and how it can advance without the inclusion of the United States. The meeting..

  • Iran strikes oil

    Iran strikes oil

    For the first time in over a decade, a European firm has inked a deal with Iran to develop one of the world’s largest natural-gas fields. Despite pressure from the US, Total, the French multinational integrated oil and gas company has signed a $5 billion deal with Iran along..

  • Trump is satisfied: Lavrov

    Trump is satisfied: Lavrov

    After the G20 Summit, Moscow issued a statement saying, “Mr Putin was pleased after the meeting; and Mr Donald Trump was satisfied as well. Mr Trump called it an “honor” to meet with the Russian president, it drew swift criticism from Democrats. Rex Tillerson said, it was “time to move forward” with Russia. It’s a…

  • G20 – is it relevant?

    G20 – is it relevant?

    Large-scale violence and protests have marked the beginning of the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. In the ensuing clashes between 12,000 masked protestors and law enforcement agents, at least 74 police officers were injured as a result. International summits..

  • A leader

    A leader

    Angela Merkel has launched her campaign for a historic fourth term as German chancellor under the colours of the national flag, in an attempt to wrest it back from the far-Right. Merkel is hoping to win a fourth term as Chancellor in the German election 2017, despite..

  • Where does Qatar go? What now for Qatar?

    Where does Qatar go? What now for Qatar?

    Saudi Arabia along with three of its allies has given Qatar a 48-hour extension on the deadline to comply with a list of their demands. If Qatar does not agree, then the diplomatic boycott, that has resulted in Qatar losing its air, sea and land links, will continue..

  • US in between Koreas

    US in between Koreas

    The new South Korean President, Moon Jae-in, has visited United States for the first time since assuming office. The threat of North Korea will loom large as the leaders of both nations will meet to discuss viable solutions. While the US has always has never had bilateral relations with North Korea..

  • The Travel Ban Resurrected

    The Travel Ban Resurrected

    Starting on June 29th 2017, the US will no longer permit foreign nationals into its territory if they lack a clear bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States. The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear the travel ban case, in the month of October.

  • As divorce talks begin…

    As divorce talks begin…

    The official Brexit talks began on Monday 19th 2017, between Brexit Secretary David Davis and European Union (EU) negotiator Michel Barnier. Critical steps are being drawn towards the shared responsibilities of the United Kingdom and the European Union moving forward..