Category: Geopolitics

  • Hong Kong’s Fugitive bill

    Hong Kong’s Fugitive bill

    A new blanket extradition law in Hong Kong has sparked concerns that China will use the bill to extradite whoever it wants from the territory. Considering the domestic nature of the law, why is international attention focused on Hong Kong’s extradition bill?

  • Pakistan to get Saudi oil on deferred payments

    Pakistan to get Saudi oil on deferred payments

    Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Pakistan PM’s finance adviser has indicated that Saudi Arabia will supply oil worth USD 3.2billion per year on deferred payments for three years. Is Pakistan the new proxy battleground for Iran and Saudi?

  • US arms sale to allies

    US arms sale to allies

    United States has approved the sale of air defense missiles to South Korea and Japan amidst the re-emergence of tensions in the Korean peninsula. Will North Korea stop testing missiles?

  • Iran coordinates proxy wars with militias

    Iran coordinates proxy wars with militias

    A prominent leader of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is believed to have met capable Shia militias in Iraq, telling them to prepare for a proxy war. The meeting is reported to have occurred before significant strategic and military activity was coordinated by America and its allies in the region. Is the threat posed by these…

  • Trump’s new immigration plan

    Trump’s new immigration plan

    The White House unveils a new plan to further apply pressure on illegal immigrants. How likely is the program to be passed into law and does it address the concerns of President Trump’s electoral base?

  • US-China Trade War

    US-China Trade War

    The United States and China – the world’s largest economies have been held up in a trade war for nearly ten months. With its inevitable impact on global trade, are there winners or looses from such a trade war?

  • Pompeo visits Russia

    Pompeo visits Russia

    US Secretary of State visits Russia for the first high-level meeting between the countries since the Mueller Report. With the Trump administration unlikely to take legal action for Russian election interference, is this a new chapter in the Russia-US relationship?

  • Taiwan to counter Chinese infiltration

    Taiwan to counter Chinese infiltration

    Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen convened national security agencies to counter China’s infiltration. Will Taiwan, a US ally succeed?

  • Iran delivers an ultimatum

    Iran delivers an ultimatum

    Tensions between Iran and the US are mounting. The US has steadily enforced more sanctions, while Iran recently announced that it was suspending compliance with two commitments under the JCPOA. Iran says it will restart uranium enrichment if sanction relief is not provided in 60 days. How would this affect the Joint Comprehensive Plan of…

  • Sri Lanka bombings, who did it?

    Sri Lanka bombings, who did it?

    Tensions caused by the Easter Sunday bombings are heightened by Sri Lanka’s history of ethnic and religious conflict. ISIS claims that the attacks were in retaliation for the Christchurch mosque attacks. Do we know enough to correctly ascertain the real motive of the attack?