Category: Geopolitics

  • NATO vs SCO: A New Multipolar Order

    NATO vs SCO: A New Multipolar Order

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently attended the 19th annual Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which was held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. The aftermath of the summit raises some interesting questions about the global positioning of the SCO and its member states in the new world order. Can the Shanghai Cooperation Organization compete with the…

  • Jordan for Palestine?

    Jordan for Palestine?

    King Abdullah II of Jordan has angrily rejected the US suggestion to make Jordan a homeland for 8 million citizens of the Palestinian descent. Can Jordan manoeuvre the ‘Deal of the Century’ through economic discontent at home and alter the status- quo that has under pinned Jordan’s internal politics and foreign relations for decades.

  • Geopolitical tug-of-war in Eastern Europe

    Geopolitical tug-of-war in Eastern Europe

    The Trump Administration has been augmenting efforts to improve its relations with Eastern Bloc nations through improved trade and defence collaboration. On the same parallel, both Russia and China are trying to maintain their economic influence in the region, and increased US military presence might pose a threat to regional stability and economic progress. Is…

  • Indonesia and the Belt and Road Initiative

    Indonesia and the Belt and Road Initiative

    Indonesia’s Minister of Maritime Affairs signed 23 memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with China while attending the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Forum in Beijing. How can the BRI help Indonesia? How will Indonesia de-risk itself from any potential downside?

  • Is a Trump Impeachment on the Cards?

    Is a Trump Impeachment on the Cards?

    United States’ speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi is under pressure from lawmakers to begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump. If an official inquiry is launched, two out of the past four American presidents (Clinton and Trump) would have faced the prospect of impeachment. Is impeachment necessarily the best way forward?

  • Trump’s Immigration Policies: A Threat to Indian Family Life in the U.S

    Trump’s Immigration Policies: A Threat to Indian Family Life in the U.S

    Ever since being elected into office in 2017, Donald Trump has made a series of reforms to the United States’ immigration policies in an effort to reduce the influx of immigrants. He claims that his new policies will help increase the number of jobs available to Americans domestically. Trump’s immigration crack-down has had serious consequences…

  • Will Trump’s GSP sanctions persuade India to open up its markets?

    Will Trump’s GSP sanctions persuade India to open up its markets?

    President Donald Trump recently revoked the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) privileges from India which permits the duty-free entry of nearly 2,000 Indian products. The Indian government seems unfettered by the curiously timed sanction which fell into place just as soon as Narendra Modi was sworn in for his second term as India’s Prime Minister.…

  • India and U.S: Military Allies or Economic Adversaries?

    India and U.S: Military Allies or Economic Adversaries?

    For the most part, India and America have shared a strong and friendly relationship in terms of both military and trade, despite New Delhi’s ties to Moscow. New Delhi now finds itself in an interesting predicament which requires strategic foreign policy considerations in the wake of complex geo-political rivalries between the USA, Russia, China, and…

  • The Prospect of Security Council Reform

    The Prospect of Security Council Reform

    The United Nations Security Council is often criticised for being ineffective and there is thus a clarion call for it to be fundamentally reformed. Will the five permanent members (P5) accede to this by implementing appropriate checks or by granting other members a permanent seat with the all-important veto vote?

  • Nicaragua: What Next?

    Nicaragua: What Next?

    The Republic of Nicaragua, located between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea in Central America, has been of great strategic importance dating back to the Cold War. Following a recent upsurge in military and economic aid from the Putin administration, Nicaragua is becoming Russia’s ‘Cuba of the 21st Century’.