Category: Geopolitics

  • Turkey’s retaliatory sanctions on the US

    Turkey’s retaliatory sanctions on the US

    Turkey threatens to freeze the assets of American officials in retaliation to the United States imposing sanctions on the Turkish Interior and Justice Ministers. Turkey is a moderately conservative Islamic country which straddles two continents and is the bridge between..

  • US to reinforce sanctions

    US to reinforce sanctions

    President Donald Trump says he will fully enforce the sanctions being reimposed on Iran as a result of the US withdrawal from a 2015 nuclear deal. Austria and the European Union Commission believe that the United States’ sanctions go against human rights, Austrian President..

  • Maduro survives assassination attempt

    Maduro survives assassination attempt

    Venezuela’s president, Nicolás Maduro, has survived an apparent assassination attempt after what officials describe as drones armed with explosives detonated overhead during a speech he was making at a military event. The drones, according to officials, were flown..

  • Pakistan our Iron brother: China

    Pakistan our Iron brother: China

    China has stepped up and reinforced its geo political alliance with Pakistan by lending the nation $2 billion to support its dwindling foreign-exchange reserves. The relationship between China – Pakistan relations first began in the 1950s. Pakistan was one of the first countries to recognize..

  • UN condemns Trumps attack on media

    UN condemns Trumps attack on media

    The United Nations experts on free expression has condemned President Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on the press, warning that the US leader’s rhetoric is eroding public trust in the media and could spark violence against journalists..

  • AI’s role in Diplomacy

    AI’s role in Diplomacy

    The Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed one early stage machine, used by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that uses artificial intelligence in the art of diplomacy. In addition, the country has developed several prototypes of diplomatic systems using artificial intelligence.The Chinese..

  • Middle East Strategic Alliance: An Arab NATO

    Middle East Strategic Alliance: An Arab NATO

    The US is pushing the Arab coalition to create a new political and security alliance with six Gulf Arab states, Egypt and Jordan, in a bid to counter Iran’s expansion in the region. The concept of an integrated Arab..

  • Iran v. Israel: Changing Paradigms

    Iran v. Israel: Changing Paradigms

    The accuracy of an advanced missile arsenal and the ability to fire to fire a larger number of rockets in a day poses a credible threat to Israel in case of conflict with Iran-backed Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a Shiite Muslim political party in Lebanon..

  • Nord Stream 2: Russian Isolation of Ukraine?

    Nord Stream 2: Russian Isolation of Ukraine?

    Officials from Ukraine and Russia met in Berlin for EU-backed talks over the development of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline on 17 July. The European Commission hailed the talks as “positive.” The new pipeline..

  • Israel Passes Divisive Nation State Law

    Israel Passes Divisive Nation State Law

    Israel’s Knesset passed the Nation-State law which asserts that the right of self-determination in the country is “unique to Jewish people” on 19 July. Minority Arab lawmakers were removed from the Knesset..