Category: Geopolitics

  • EU united against May’s Brexit plan

    EU united against May’s Brexit plan

    European Council President Donald Tusk gives British PM four weeks to iron out a new Brexit deal. The EU had earlier issued a unified refusal of PM May’s “Chequers” Plan. It was on June 23rd, 2016 that Britain narrowly voted to leave the European Union, stunning Europe and the world in general..

  • U.N. chief urges Myanmar government to free journalists

    U.N. chief urges Myanmar government to free journalists

    UN Secretary General has called for Suu Kyi-led government to free reporters from Reuters who were arrested for reporting in the Rakhine state. The Rohingya are an ethnic Muslim minority group from Myanmar’s western Rakhine state. Their origin can be traced back to the 15th century..

  • US sanctions Chinese military

    US sanctions Chinese military

    The Trump administration has imposed sanctions on the Chinese military for buying Russian fighter jets and missiles. China has told the US to withdraw sanctions on its military over purchases of Russian jets and missiles or “bear the consequences”. The United States and China are two of the largest economies in the world. Both countries…

  • Iran Deal 2.0?

    Iran Deal 2.0?

    The US is looking to negotiate a treaty with Iran to regulate its ballistic missile and nuclear program. United States and Iran do not have any formal diplomatic relations or ties. The two nations share an acrimonious relationship. In 1953, the CIA played a key role in orchestrating a coup against Iran’s democratically..

  • Poland flatters Donald Trump

    Poland flatters Donald Trump

    President Andrzej Duda of Poland has proposed for an American military base in his country, even suggesting it to be named ‘Fort Trump’. The proposal will be extremely appealing to President Trump and it appears Poland is taking advantage of President Trump’s vanity. Poland is a country located in Central Europe, with a population..

  • Koreas: Committed to era of no war

    Koreas: Committed to era of no war

    North Korea said it would close a key missile test facility in the presence of international experts and potentially destroy its primary nuclear complex if the United States agrees to corresponding measures. The Korean peninsula was divided post World War II in 1945. In 1950, North Korea..

  • India clears new frigate deal

    India clears new frigate deal

    New Delhi has green-lit its biggest arms deal worth $2.2Bn with Russia for 4 advanced frigates. India’s new deal comes in defiance of US sanctions on Moscow, which prevent foreign arms sales and curbs oil exports. Russia is considered an important ally for India. The two countries have shared strategic..

  • Moon Jae-In arrives for a meeting in Pyongyang

    Moon Jae-In arrives for a meeting in Pyongyang

    The leaders of North and South Korea are meeting in the North Korean capital Pyongyang for talks centred on the stalled denuclearisation negotiations. Moon becomes only the third South Korean leader ever to visit North Korea. Since January 2018, Pyongyang appeared to have softened..

  • UK police cordon off Salisbury nerve gas attack area

    UK police cordon off Salisbury nerve gas attack area

    The Roads have been shut and a hazmat team was called after a pair fell ill at eatery close to where the ex-Russia spy was poisoned. Ties between the UK and Russia can be traced back nearly five centuries. The Russians and British were allies against Napoleon, and enemies in the Crimean..

  • Syria lashes out at U.N. body investigating war crimes

    Syria lashes out at U.N. body investigating war crimes

    Damascus’ UN envoy criticises the investigative body and the UNGA resolution, calling them a tool of Qatar to spread destructive actions. Over the span of several centuries, Syria, which was at the forefront of the Islamic Caliphate, witnessed multiple invasions and occupations: from the…