Category: Geopolitics

  • Putin and Trump to meet in Paris

    Putin and Trump to meet in Paris

    Vladimir Putin is scheduled to meet Donald Trump in Paris after the later threatened to leave Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treaty. In mid-November 2016 shortly after the election of Donald Trump as the US president, Russia accused Obama’s administration of trying to damage the US relationship with Russia..

  • Saudi’s Weakened Position

    Saudi’s Weakened Position

    The latest revelations in Jamal Khashoggi’s murder at the Saudi Arabian embassy seem to implicate those at the highest echelons of power in the kingdom. Some of President Trump and other western leaders statements have probably left Saudi believing the West is finally turning against them. Jamal Khashoggi..

  • Saudi agrees to a $6bn loan for Pakistan

    Saudi agrees to a $6bn loan for Pakistan

    Saudi Arabia agreed to give support worth at least $6bn to Pakistan to help the south Asian country avert a balance of payments crisis. Pakistan has only about 8 weeks’ worth of foreign reserves remaining to support critical imports like oil. Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a country in South Asia..

  • Koreas to Disarm Joint Security Area

    Koreas to Disarm Joint Security Area

    North Korea, South Korea & the UN have agreed to further discuss plans to disarm Joint Security Area in the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ ) where the troops from the Korean peninsula face each other. The Joint Security Area (JSA), Panmunjom is the only portion of the Korean Demilitarized Zone..

  • Mnuchin meets Saudi Crown Prince

    Mnuchin meets Saudi Crown Prince

    US treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has held talks with Saudi Arabia’s crown prince in Riyadh, despite growing concern over the Saudis’ role in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Jamal Khashoggi was a staunch critic of the Saudi royal family and was reportedly murdered in the Saudi Arabian..

  • First China-Japan summit in 7 years

    First China-Japan summit in 7 years

    Japan’s prime minister Shinzo Abe, is heading to Beijing for a summit with Chinese president Xi Jingping amidst rising tensions in the South China Sea. The visit by Abe is the first standalone to China by a Japanese PM in nearly 7 years. International relations between the People’s Republic of China..

  • Russia warns US of ditching treaty

    Russia warns US of ditching treaty

    Senior Russia officials have warned US about exiting from the arms control treaty, INF which will put nuclear nonproliferation at risk leading to chaos. The INF (Intermediate – Range Nuclear Forces) Treaty was signed by US and USSR in 1987. It was signed by then President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail..

  • Jordan to re-evaluate Israel relations

    Jordan to re-evaluate Israel relations

    Jordan’s King Abdullah II announced that he does not plan to renew parts of the country’s landmark 24-year-old peace agreement with Israel. The move comes at the heels of rising public pressure to rebuke the Israeli government following the U.S. Embassy’s move to Jerusalem..

  • Kudlow accuses China of not doing enough

    Kudlow accuses China of not doing enough

    Larry Kudlow, the White House’s top economic advisor has accused Beijing of doing nothing to diffuse the ongoing trade war. The United States and China are two of the largest economies in the world. Both countries consider the other as a partner in trade and an adversary in geopolitics..

  • Germany Stops Arms Exports to Saudi Arabia

    Germany Stops Arms Exports to Saudi Arabia

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel says Germany would put arms sales to Saudi Arabia on hold given the unexplained circumstances of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s death in the Saudi Consulate. The kingdom has threatened to retaliate against any international action, but its biggest bargaining..