Category: General Interest

  • The death of cash

    The death of cash

    A number of governments, central banks and even some economists now advocate a switch to all-digital currencies. With the rapid rise of mobile payments, the long-term survival of cash seems precarious. But what would be the consequences of removing cash from society..

  • What’s the beef?

    What’s the beef?

    A female Hindu ascetic has been thrust into the national spotlight in India after she beseeched the government to start executing people for eating beef in the country. Sadhvi (the title given to female ascetics following the tenets of Hinduism and Jainism) Saraswati reportedly made the comments while

  • Bridging the gender gap, boosting the GDP

    Bridging the gender gap, boosting the GDP

    The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), the engineering and technology-oriented institutes of higher education in India, are now planning to partake in bringing down the ‘gender gap’ in the country by introducing a ‘Balancing Act.’ Five out of the sixteen institutes are aiming to provide scholarships…

  • A Breakthrough That Could Mean Sustainability

    A Breakthrough That Could Mean Sustainability

    With Hydrogen emerging as a viable energy option for our future, Researchers at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) have developed a solar paint that absorbs sunlight and water vapour that produces ‘Hydrogen Fuel’. Synthetic Molybdenum Sulphide, a compound, when mixed…

  • ‘Monumental U-turn’ on cancer drug

    ‘Monumental U-turn’ on cancer drug

    A life-extending drug which has been deemed too expensive time and again will now be offered on the NHS in England. It is the result of a confidential deal between the health service and the drug company Roche. Kadcyla, the undiscounted cost of which had been £90,000 per patient..

  • New drug policy

    New drug policy

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently announced that the government will bring a new drug policy to mandate doctors to prescribe medicines with their generic names instead of brand names. Following which, the Medical Council of India has already issued a notice stating, “Every Physician should prescribe..

  • Oceans under Threat

    Oceans under Threat

    The 193 UN member nations have pledged to take action against the deteriorating health and productivity of the world’s oceans, with US backing the plan while maintaining its stand against the ‘Paris Climate Accord’. The plan on protecting the oceans was finally brought into effect..

  • A Religiously ‘Neutral’ Austria…

    A Religiously ‘Neutral’ Austria…

    Starting 1st October, 2017 the ‘burqa’ will no longer be entertained in the streets of Austria. The law opines that those who break it will be charged a sum of 150 Euros. The law also induces supervision of the kind of materials found in the state, prohibiting any kind of extremist material..

  • Power of a statement

    Power of a statement

    Is India prepared for a two and half front war? The recent statement by the Indian Army chief, Gen. Bipin Rawat on the army’s readiness to fight a war from either internal or external sources showed great optimism. The eminent military threat from Pakistan in the west and China in the East has created an…

  • Comey’s Testimony Rejected

    Comey’s Testimony Rejected

    Donald Trump’s personal attorney has denied allegations made by fired FBI Director, James Comey against the US President who has accused him of leaking the privileged information. Mr. Comey’s seven page written testimony that was released on 8th June gave details about the interactions Comey had..