Category: General Interest

  • Nationalism, a betrayal of Patriotism: Macron

    Nationalism, a betrayal of Patriotism: Macron

    At the centenary of the end of World War 1 in Paris, French President Emmanuel Macron encouraged world leaders to reject ‘Nationalism’. Armistice day is commemorated every year on the 11th of November to mark the armistice signed between the Allies of World War..

  • Renewable energy generation costs lesser that coal

    Renewable energy generation costs lesser that coal

    Lazard, the investment bank, has published new estimates highlighting wind and solar power generation to be far lesser than existing coal-fired plants in the US. This, in turn, could jeopardise President Trump’s ‘coal rescue plan’. Coal has been used to generate electricity in the United…

  • Will Beto O’Rourke become US President

    Will Beto O’Rourke become US President

    Democrat Beto O’Rourke’s bid for Senate seat in a reliably red state ended in defeat, dashing the hopes of progressives in Texas and beyond who had yearned for a Congress free of Republican Ted Cruz. Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is an American politician and businessman serving..

  • China unveils new stealth combat drone

    China unveils new stealth combat drone

    A Chinese state-owned company says it is developing a stealth combat drone – the latest sign of the country’s growing aerospace prowess. The CH-7 unmanned aerial vehicle also underscores China’s growing competitiveness in the expanding global market for drones. An unmanned..

  • India’s Energy Mix

    India’s Energy Mix

    Amid a surge in oil demand and an investment boom, New Delhi needs to weigh consumer aspirations with fears about pollution. With another boom in fuel retail networks expected, foreign oil and gas companies are lining up to try and win a slice of the private sector’s growing share of the Indian energy industry…

  • India indigenous submarine complete patrol

    India indigenous submarine complete patrol

    India said on Monday its first domestically built nuclear-powered submarine had recently completed a “deterrence patrol”, giving it the capability to fire nuclear weapons from land, air and sea in the event of any “misadventure” by enemies. India becomes the fourth country with..

  • A solution to food shortages

    A solution to food shortages

    Chinese scientists have developed the technology to grow rice using seawater. The successful harvest of this salt-resistant strain has raised researchers hopes that one day large swathes of the desert could be turned into paddy fields. Rice is the seed of the grass species Oryza sativa (Asian rice) or Oryza glaberrima (African rice)..

  • France’s Macron backs Ethiopia’s reforms

    France’s Macron backs Ethiopia’s reforms

    French President Emmanuel Macron has vowed to back Ethiopian Prime Minister on regional efforts and moves to strengthen the economy. Ethiopia’s reforms under PM Abiy so far have resulted in a 50% female cabinet and the first female President for the country. Ethiopia is a landlocked..

  • Google to fund “humane” AI

    Google to fund “humane” AI

    Google will give away $25 million to projects that propose ways to use the artificial intelligence of computers to help create a more humane society. The grant program announced Monday is part of a broader Google initiative called “AI for Social Good” that aims to ease concerns that advances in artificial intelligence..

  • China’s private space company fails on debut launch

    China’s private space company fails on debut launch

    The first-ever attempt by a private Chinese company to send a rocket into space has failed in an increasingly heated competition between commercial space start-ups. This isn’t the first-ever launch from a Chinese commercial space company but was the first attempt to reach orbit. Private spaceflight is…