Category: General Interest

  • Pope Francis visits UAE

    His Holiness Pope Francis, the head of Catholic Church visited United Arab Emirates on his 27th Apostolic Journey. He is the first pontiff to visit the Arabian Peninsula – the birth place of Islam. There are 4 million Christians in the Middle East. The proportion of Christians in the Middle East has fallen to about…

  • Trump criticises US intelligence chiefs

    US president Donald Trump criticised top US intelligence chiefs on Twitter over their assessment of threats posed by North Korea, Iran & ISIS. The US Intelligence Chief, Dan Coats ’s contradicting claims at the Senate Intelligence Committee were dismissed. President Donald Trump’s…

  • US spy chiefs contradict Trump

    U.S. intelligence agencies told Congress that the North is unlikely to entirely dismantle its nuclear arsenal and casting a shadow of doubt on President Donald Trump’s goal of a nuclear-disarmed North Korea. The relationship between the US and North Korea has always been fractious. During the war between North …

  • Facebook tightens regulations

    The Social media giant is tightening requirements for political ads in the European Union ahead of bloc-wide elections scheduled for the spring, it’s latest effort to fight misinformation and increase transparency on its platforms. Facebook, a social media and social networking site, was launched by Mark Zuckerberg in…

  • China clones Gene-edited monkeys

    China clones Gene-edited monkeys

    Chinese scientists cloned five monkeys from a gene-edited macaque with circadian-related disorders, another first for the country in the controversial field. China’s dangerous trend of crossing ethical and moral boundaries with genetic alteration has drawn criticisms from all corners of the globe…

  • Trump backtracks, ends shutdown

    Trump backtracks, ends shutdown

    President Donald Trump has yielded to political pressure to end the longest US government shutdown in history. In United States politics, a government shutdown occurs when Congress fails to pass sufficient appropriation bills or continuing resolutions to fund federal government operations and agencies, or when the President refuses to sign such bills or resolutions into…

  • France summons Italian envoy over comment

    France summons Italian envoy over comment

    France has summoned Italy’s ambassador to protest about comments by Italian Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio, who accused Paris of continuing to colonize Africa and causing people to migrate from the continent. Decolonization is the undoing of colonialism, the latter being the process whereby a nation establishes and maintains its domination over one or..

  • The widening inequality in the world

    The widening inequality in the world

    The new Oxfam International report reveals that 26 richest people own the same wealth as the poorest half of humanity, indicating a widening in the concentration of the world’s wealth. Oxfam is a confederation of 20 independent charitable organisations that..

  • Nancy Pelosi: “Reschedule the SOTU”

    Nancy Pelosi: “Reschedule the SOTU”

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked President Donald Trump to forgo his Jan. 29 State of the Union (SOTU) speech, expressing doubts that the hobbled government can provide adequate security. Republicans saw her move as a ploy to deny Trump the stage. The State of the Union Address..

  • Dwindling Japanese workforce

    Dwindling Japanese workforce

    According to a government study report, it is projected that the country’s workforce would decline by 20 per cent by 2040. On an average, the country’s workforce would shrink by almost 13m people in the next twenty years without urgent action to increase the number of working women and older workers. As of October 1,…