Category: General Interest

  • Slovakia elections underway

    Zuzana Caputova, an anti-corruption lawyer who entered politics only a year ago, comfortably won the first round of Slovakia’s presidential election, the first such election since the country was rocked by the murder of an investigative journalist. Slovakia is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is bordered by Poland to the north…

  • Kabul’s expanding ‘green zone’

    Kabul’s expanding ‘green zone’

    The ‘Green Zone’ in Kabul is the walled-off compound of embassies and newsrooms, which is set to expand dramatically. It already imposes extreme limitations on its sheltered residents and stokes resentment among Afghans living outside. Afghanistan is a landlocked country located in South and Central Asia. Afghanistan is bordered….

  • Anti-Vaccination Movement

    Vaccination skeptics have stated that the U.S Government is working with pharmaceutical companies in order to stop them. The government is also hiding the truth on how vaccinations kill hundreds of infants every year. Vaccinations are one of the most important measures of preventing the spread the communicable diseases ….

  • Phillip Morris circumvents investment ban

    Phillip Morris circumvents investment ban

    Phillip Morris International Inc. (PMI) has been paying for the manufacturing costs of Marlboro cigarettes in India circumventing a nine-year-old ban on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the tobacco industry. Philip Morris International Inc. is an American multinational cigarette…

  • Microplastic scourge spreads

    According to new studies by the University of Exeter, microplastic pollution spans the world, showing contamination in UK’s lake and rivers, in groundwater in the US, along the Yangtze river in China & the coast of Spain. Primary microplastics are any plastic fragments or particles that are already 5.0 mm in size …..

  • Burundi closes human rights office

    Burundi has forced the United Nations to shut its local human rights office after 23 years, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said. Burundi is a landlocked country amid the African Great Lakes region where East and Central Africa converge. The capital is Gitega, having moved from Bujumbura in February 2019. The ….

  • Well being index

    According to global surveys, smaller countries such as Singapore are placed at the top of global wellness ranks while countries with large and booming economies are at the bottom. Gross National Wellness or Well-being (GNW) is a socioeconomic development and measurement framework. The GNW / GNH Index consists of 7 dimensions…

  • Cure for AIDS?

    A stem-cell treatment put a London cancer patient’s HIV into remission, marking the second such reported case and reinvigorating efforts to cure the AIDS-causing infection that afflicts some 37 million people globally. Human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a spectrum of ….

  • Bouteflika to run for President again

    Protesters turned out in their thousands across Algeria to denounce plans by President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to seek a fifth term in office, as his campaign formally submitted the candidacy papers for April’s presidential election. Algeria is a country in the Maghreb region of North Africa. The capital and most populous city is Algiers, located in…

  • House Democrats to investigate Trump

    House Democrats will request documents from more than 60 people this week as they step up investigations into allegations of obstruction of justice and abuse of power in the administration of US president Donald Trump. The United States House of Representatives …..