Category: Cyber Security

  • China Maintains Censorship

    China Maintains Censorship

    The ‘WannaCry ransomware’ which happened on 12th May, 2017 has affected over 150 countries surfacing as a global attack. This has led many countries to review their nation’s policies with regard to safeguarding their systems from vulnerabilities and taking measures to prevent such an epidemic ..

  • Russia Fights against cyber crimes

    Russia Fights against cyber crimes

    Wan naCry ransomware attack on computers worldwide on 12th May 2017, has raised the issue of cybercrimes as well as increased the pressure on governments across the globe to strengthen cyber security. Amidst the allegations of Russia’s involvement in the election hacking in US, Russia attempts..

  • New-Age Pirates of the Sea

    New-Age Pirates of the Sea

    The ever-expansive cyber space has paved way for multiple potholes for users- as of recently, for an uber-deluxe community of superyacht owners. A superyacht can be managed from one central unit controlling lighting, engine management, entertainment, air conditioning and navigation and moreover, can be wirelessly accessed from iPads and other devices. Whilst convenient, this set-up…

  • Future of American Surveillance

    Future of American Surveillance

    Following Edwards Snowden’s 2013 exposition of the National Security Agency’s PRISM and UPSTREAM surveillance programs, the government passed the Freedom Act of 2015. With origins in Bush’s Patriot Act of 2001.. 

  • USA incarcerates Russian Hacker

    USA incarcerates Russian Hacker

    On the 22nd of April 2017, a Federal Judge in the United States handed out the longest ever sentence imposed in the United States for a hacking-related case.

  • Open Internet and Canada

    Open Internet and Canada

    Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) recently ruled in favor of net neutrality which essentially requires all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to treat their data..

  • Siege on Bitcoin

    Siege on Bitcoin

    On the 17th April 2017, Bitcoin reported it was under threat from a group formed under the banner of the “Large Bitcoin Collider’(LBC). The group aims to attack user’s wallets by directing..

  • US Online privacy bill

    US Online privacy bill

    On March 29th 2017, The U.S Senate and House of Representatives both voted to revoke regulations that would have made it mandatory for Internet Service Providers or ISP’s to get the consumer’s consent..

  • Cyber War I

    Cyber War I

    Cyberattack was just the latest directed against the United States by WikiLeaks last week: the release of an enormous cache of documents stolen from the Central Intelligence Agency. To visit the WikiLeaks website is to enter the trophy room.

  • Turkish hacks

    Turkish hacks

    On the 15th of March, 2017 Hundreds of high profile twitter accounts were hacked by Pro-Erdogan Turkish hackers. The accounts including Forbes, Amnesty International and UNICEF were plastered with incendiary remarks.