Author: synergia

  • Sri Lanka faces severe drought

    Sri Lanka faces severe drought

    Sri Lanka’s state-run power firm has imposed daily power cuts for the first time in more than two years as a drought has slashed hydro-power output, highlighting the government’s failure to build new power plants. Sri Lanka is an island country in South Asia, located in the Indian Ocean to the southwest of the Bay…

  • US government debt jumps

    US government debt jumps

    The amount of government debt with negative yields has vaulted back over the $10tn mark after the Federal Reserve’s unexpectedly downbeat outlook exacerbated concerns over the health of the global economy and sent investors scurrying for the apparent safety of sovereign bonds. A bond is an instrument of indebtedness…

  • Airbus bags mega China order

    Airbus bags mega China order

    Xi Jinping’s French visit yields a massive Airbus narrow-body aircraft order amidst the backdrop of Boeing’s safety record, US-China trade tensions and European concerns over Beijing’s intentions in the region. China is the second largest economy in the world after the USA. According to certain forecasts…

  • Germany-Turkey rift grows

    Germany-Turkey rift grows

    Berlin wants to sever the financial and institutional ties between local Muslim communities and the Turkish government as part of a bold campaign to help German Muslims develop a homegrown version of Islam. German–Turkish relations have their beginnings in the times of the Ottoman Empire and have culminated…

  • Africa’s digital banking revolution

    Africa’s digital banking revolution

    African Bank Holdings Ltd. is joining the rush into digital banking to fail-proof the business and provides an exit for shareholders that resurrected the South African lender from its collapsed former parent. Digital banking is part of the broader context for the move to online banking, where banking services are delivered over…

  • Danish PM fears protectionism in Europe

    Danish PM fears protectionism in Europe

    The EU must resist French efforts to “politicise” the single market or “copy and paste the Chinese model” of state intervention, Denmark’s prime minister said in a defence of Europe’s liberal economy. Denmark is a Nordic country and the southernmost of the Scandinavian nations…

  • Facebook’s woes continue

    Facebook’s woes continue

    Facebook faces another security breach. Although the issue is internal, the issue is liable to damage Facebook’s already tarnished public reputation. Facebook, a social media and social networking site, was launched by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 along with some of his Harvard roommates. The site was…

  • AG Barr controls Mueller’s investigation

    AG Barr controls Mueller’s investigation

    Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation concludes after handing over final report to Attorney General Barr, who controls the outcome of the inquiry. United States’ intelligence agencies believe that Russia had interfered in the 2016 presidential elections. On May 17, 2017, the Department of Justice (DoJ)…

  • Oil Majors thwart Climate Change efforts

    Oil Majors thwart Climate Change efforts

    A March 2019 report holds that the five largest publicly-listed oil majors are engaged in misleading climate branding and lobbying. Climate change is the difference in the statistical distribution of weather patterns that last for an extended period of time. Global warming is the observed century-scale…

  • US increases pressure on North Korea

    US increases pressure on North Korea

    The US sanctioned Chinese companies trading with North Korea in order to pressure the beleaguered nation, while simultaneously sending a message about the seriousness of its sanction regime. Political and diplomatic relations between North Korea and the United States have been historically hostile…