Author: synergia

  • Anti-Bashir protests intensify

    Anti-Bashir protests intensify

    Sudanese women are taking the lead in protests against President Omar Bashir. There is a significant backlash against the decades-old morality laws as people take to the streets. Omar al-Bashir is a Sudanese politician who is currently serving as the seventh president of Sudan and was the head of the National..

  • Saudi Arabia pursues nuclear technology

    Saudi Arabia pursues nuclear technology

    The US secretly approves preliminary measures to share nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia, despite domestic and international concerns. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the most powerful powers of the Arab world. It is an oil-dependent nation with the second-largest…

  • Secrecy surrounds North Korean embassy attack

    Secrecy surrounds North Korean embassy attack

    An attack on a North Korean embassy in Madrid has brought the activities of a fringe activist group to the forefront, although the participation of US intelligence agencies cannot be ruled out. Following the rule of General Franco, the Kingdom of Spain broke out of its diplomatic isolation…

  • Kenya to close refugee camp

    Kenya to close refugee camp

    Nairobi plans to shut a refugee camp that is home to nearly a quarter of a million people, mostly Somalis, in the next few months, according to an internal U.N. document. Kenya is a country in Africa with 47 semiautonomous counties governed by elected governors. At 580,367 square kilometres…

  • Trump veto stands

    Trump veto stands

    The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday failed to override President Donald Trump’s first veto, leaving in place the “national emergency” he declared last month to build a U.S.-Mexico border wall that Congress has not funded. The Mexico–United States barrier, sometimes colloquially called the Border Wall, is a series of…

  • WMO warns of impending climate disasters

    WMO warns of impending climate disasters

    WMO’s annual report indicates a bleak climatic future that requires urgent action lest the loss of life and immense economic damage. Climate change is the difference in the statistical distribution of weather patterns that last for an extended period of time. Global warming is the…

  • Facebook introduces hate-speech policing

    Facebook introduces hate-speech policing

    Facebook will institute methods and regulations to tackle white supremacist thought in the upcoming weeks, although more needs to be done to fully tackle the proliferation of hate groups flourishing on its platforms. Facebook, a social media and social networking site, was launched by…

  • Turkish Lira selloff continues

    Turkish Lira selloff continues

    Turkey’s central bank sought to calm investors as the nation’s assets fell before an election that will be the first test of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s popularity since he tightened his grip on power last year. The Turkish lira is the currency of Turkey and the self-declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus…

  • European leaders meet China’s Xi

    European leaders meet China’s Xi

    French, German and European Commission leaders met President Xi amidst tensions over trade and security. Sino–European relations were established in 1975. According to the European External Action Service, the EU-China relations aim for cooperation in the areas of “peace, prosperity, sustainable…

  • US Senate rejects ‘Green New Deal’

    US Senate rejects ‘Green New Deal’

    United States Senate Republican leaders forced a stunt vote on March 26 on a climate change measure they ridicule, seeking to corner Democratic presidential hopefuls over an expensive, economy-upending plan proposed by the party’s liberal left wing. The Green New Deal (GND) is a proposed economic..