Author: synergia

  • Jordan for Palestine?

    Jordan for Palestine?

    King Abdullah II of Jordan has angrily rejected the US suggestion to make Jordan a homeland for 8 million citizens of the Palestinian descent. Can Jordan manoeuvre the ‘Deal of the Century’ through economic discontent at home and alter the status- quo that has under pinned Jordan’s internal politics and foreign relations for decades.

  • Facebook announces Project Libra

    Facebook announces Project Libra

    Facebook along with 27 organizations has planned to create a new global currency called Libra, a move that could potentially shake up the world’s banking system. Can Libra fix the inherent defects in cryptocurrency?

  • The Future of Conflict: South Sudan

    The Future of Conflict: South Sudan

    South Sudan is in the midst of a catastrophic humanitarian crisis resulting from five years of brutal civil war. Despite clarion calls for the resolution of the conflict, could we be heading towards a predicament that was witnessed in Rwanda and Syria?

  • Geopolitical tug-of-war in Eastern Europe

    Geopolitical tug-of-war in Eastern Europe

    The Trump Administration has been augmenting efforts to improve its relations with Eastern Bloc nations through improved trade and defence collaboration. On the same parallel, both Russia and China are trying to maintain their economic influence in the region, and increased US military presence might pose a threat to regional stability and economic progress. Is…

  • A New War in the Middle East?

    A New War in the Middle East?

    In light of recent attacks on shipping vessels in the Strait of Hormuz, security experts are concerned about the diplomatic fallout between the US and Iran. What is the likelihood of the trade war between the US and Iran turning violent?

  • French Troops in Mali: Boon or Bane?

    French Troops in Mali: Boon or Bane?

    The African nation of Mali has been plagued by conflict which has escalated due to the spread of political Islam in Sub Saharan Africa. In the context of a Global War on Terror, is it time for increased French military intervention in Mali?

  • Chinese vessel sinks Philippine boat

    Chinese vessel sinks Philippine boat

    The Philippine government has filed a diplomatic protest over the collision between a Chinese and Filipino fishing vessels which sank the latter in the South China Sea. Would this dispute alter the status quo between the Philippines and China in the conduct of their foreign policy.

  • Houthis attack Saudi Arabia repeatedly

    Houthis attack Saudi Arabia repeatedly

    Yemen’s Houthi militants have attacked Saudi Arabia’s airport after drone attacks on Saudi Arabia’s oil pipelines. How are Houthi followers being funded to carry out such attacks despite Yemen being the poorest country in the Middle East?

  • Japan’s diplomatic overtures to Iran

    Japan’s diplomatic overtures to Iran

    Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe will visit Iran for a rare diplomatic mission – to mediate between the Islamic republic and its ally, the US. Can Japan be an effective mediator and bring about a thaw in relations between the US and Iran?

  • Kazakhstan: The Legacy of President Nazarbayev

    Kazakhstan: The Legacy of President Nazarbayev

    On June 9th, 2019, Kazakhstan held a presidential election following the sudden resignation of President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Election day in the central Asian country was marred by protests, with hundreds of protesters being arrested. Will Nazarbayev’s 30-year legacy live on?