Author: synergia

  • A Protest to Remember: Hong Kong 2019

    A Protest to Remember: Hong Kong 2019

    The protests in Hong Kong, which started out over an unpopular extradition bill, are about something much bigger. They are about redefining the status quo with China and within Hong Kong’s Legislative Council.

  • Sahel: Latest Global Terror Hub?

    The Sahel region has been particularly vulnerable to the shift of global terrorism away from the battlefields in the Middle East to its unstable areas in sub-Saharan Africa. What can be done to nip this in the bud in the hope for a more peaceful and more prosperous future for the people of this increasingly…

  • The Future of Conflict: Ukraine

    The conflict in Ukraine has engendered the most serious crisis between Russia and the West since the end of the Cold War. It has subverted European security, raised questions about NATO’s future and put an end to one of the most exacting projects of US foreign policy – building a partnership with Russia. Will we…

  • The Future of Conflict: Lebanon

    After close to nine months of a political stalemate that further worsened the nation’s economic situation, Lebanon characteristically formed a unity government earlier this year. What are the primary challenges that Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his government will face while attempting to stabilise the political, economic and environmental situation? What measures need to be…

  • Criminalisation of Triple Talaq

    Criminalisation of Triple Talaq

    In an attempt to empower Muslim women, the Indian government has criminalised ‘Triple Talaq’ which is a personal law.

  • India and RCEP: The way forward

    India and RCEP: The way forward

    Months before the conclusion of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade agreement by the end of 2019, India finds itself in a predicament trying to negotiate a deal that protects its domestic manufacturers; integrating itself with the regional trade. What are the implications, if the deal concludes without India?

  • Boris at the Helm: What Next for Scotland?

    Boris at the Helm: What Next for Scotland?

    Boris Johnson’s recent appointment as the Prime Minister (PM) of the UK has caused the Scottish independence debate to gain significant traction. Scotland voted to remain in the EU in the 2016 referendum, and it is thus likely that the Johnson premiership and its leaning towards a no-deal Brexit will provide further momentum to the…

  • Future of Security: The North – East Dimension

    The political complexities of India’s North East can be best understood by examining the historical genesis of the conflict.

  • Yemen: who is fuelling the war?

    Yemen: who is fuelling the war?

    Western countries – the US, UK and France have continued to sell arms to both Saudi Arabia and the UAE, resisting pressure to halt such sales in the wake of the Khashoggi murder and the near-famine conditions Yemen. Both these countries have used US-manufactured weapons to buy loyalties of militias or tribes, bolster chosen armed…

  • US mediation on Kashmir

    At the meeting with Imran Khan, US President Trump stated that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of G20 Summit had requested US mediation on Kashmir issue.