
The new Sino-Russian relations

Chinese president Xi Jinping described the relationship between China and Russia as the “best time in history”, saying the two nations are each other’s most trustworthy strategic partners. Top Russian and Chinese leaders are busy coordinating their approach to President..

Chinese president Xi Jinping described the relationship between China and Russia as the “best time in history”, saying the two nations are each other’s most trustworthy strategic partners. Top Russian and Chinese leaders are busy coordinating their approach to President Donald Trump at the G20 summit in Hamburg this weekend. Both sides are flamming the degree to which ties between the two countries have improved in recent years, as Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visits Moscow on his way to the G20.

Over the years, the two countries have built high-level political and strategic trust. They have resolved their border issues, and turned the 4,300-km boundary line into an arc of friendship.


The G20 is an international forum for the governments and central bank governors from 20 major economies. It was found in 1999 with the aim of studying, reviewing, and promoting high-level discussion of policy issues pertaining to the promotion of international financial stability. It seeks to address issues that go beyond the responsibilities of any one organization. The 2017 G20 Hamburg summit is the twelfth meeting of the G20 held on 7–8 July 2017 in the city of Hamburg (Germany).

Sino-Russian Relationship

Official contacts between China and Russia ironically began with border clashes in the 1680s. This was settled in 1689 by the Treaty of Nerchinsk, which delineated what was then the common border.

In 1727, Russia was the only European power to share a common border with China. It is also notable that the Treaty of Kyakhta happened on the initiative of Peter the Great. For the rest of the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth century, relationship between the Russian and Chinese courts remained friendly.

But in 1960s and 1970s the Sino Soviet conflict caused significant bitterness in their relationship. Then US president, Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger took advantage of this rivalry and played the two countries off against each other.


China and Russia have established high-level exchanges and cooperation in various fields.  Trade turnover between Russia and China increased by 26.2 % in the first four months of the current year, to reach $24.73 billion.

China-Russia cooperation in various fields, including energy, trade, investment, high technology, finance, infrastructure and agriculture, had been growing rapidly since Xi Jinping and Putin reached a consensus on aligning the Belt and Road Initiative with the Eurasian Economic Union.

As tensions between the US and North Korea aggravates, experts claim that the region could explode & bring the world to the brink of war. With US President, Donald Trump threatening to take a tough line on Russia and China, the two superpowers could unite against the White House.

Sino-Russian relations are closer than they have been at any time in the past fifty years. This gives them the chance to create a new global order to their liking. It is important to remember that, Kissinger’s strategic logic was to gain advantage for the US by having better relations with both Moscow and Beijing than they had with each other.


What would the new world order look like?

Our assessment is that, there could be a realignment of global power with China, Russia, Iran & a few other Central Asian powers coming closer. The US might find itself in a temporary flux with having estranged many friends in Europe. This would leave many of what were once known as “nonaligned” nations like India, Brazil & many African countries hemmed in between.


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