
France and Germany sign Aachen treaty

President Macron and Chancellor Merkel signed a new treaty on Franco-German friendship in the border town of Aachen. The new friendship treaty commits both countries for deeper co-operation in foreign and defence policy, and closer economic integration. The cooperation between the two countries..

President Macron and Chancellor Merkel signed a new treaty on Franco-German friendship in the border town of Aachen. 

The new friendship treaty commits both countries for deeper co-operation in foreign and defence policy, and closer economic integration. 


The cooperation between the two countries is immense and intimate. Even though France has at times been euro-sceptical in outlook, especially under President Charles de Gaulle, Franco-German agreements and cooperations have always been key to furthering the ideals of European integration.

In recent times, France and Germany are among the most enthusiastic proponents of the further integration of the EU. They are sometimes described as the “twin engine” or “core countries” pushing for moves.

Mr. Macron first broached the idea of renewing the Élysée Treaty in a speech at the Sorbonne in 2017, in which he set out a number of wide-ranging reforms of the EU designed to “strengthen Europe’s sovereignty”.

He had hoped the new agreement would be signed in January 2018, but negotiations dragged on for months, held up by divergent views between the two countries on military co-operation.


Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, and Emmanuel Macron, the French president, sealed the agreement 56 years to the day after Konrad Adenauer and Charles de Gaulle signed the Élysée Treaty, a landmark pact that became a symbol of reconciliation between the two former enemies.

The ceremony took place near the residence of Charlemagne, the king who united much of western and central Europe during the Early Middle Ages.

The Aachen treaty envisages much closer coordination between Paris and Berlin on foreign and defence policy. It boosts the status of the joint Franco-German cabinet meetings that are already held on a regular basis and of the joint security and defence council, first created in 1988, turning it into a “political steering body”.

It also creates a bilateral “council of economic experts” whose brief is to help create a “Franco-German economic space”. Julien Thorel, a researcher at the Centre for European Policy, said France and Germany were positioning themselves as the “avant-garde of the European single market”.

Mr. Macron said the Aachen treaty opened “a new chapter” in the Franco-German relationship. In a Europe threatened by Brexit, rising nationalism and the challenges of terrorism, migration and digitalisation, “Germany and France must assume responsibility and show the way”, he added.

According to the French leader, the pact was also designed to contribute to closer integration in the EU. “Our common ambition must be that Europe shields our people from the tumults of the world,” he said. “Because we love Europe, we have decided to continue to build it with force and determination.”

Ms. Merkel said the treaty would “renew the foundation of co-operation” between the two countries, which had affirmed that “we will address the challenges of our time hand in hand”.

Meanwhile, Mr. Macron has come under rising pressure from France’s “gilets jaunes” protest movement, while Ms. Merkel’s authority in her CDU party has been weakened by a string of poor regional election results. She finally stood down as CDU leader last year after 18 years in the job.


However, critics said the pact lacked depth. “What was agreed in Aachen is co-operation on the back-burner,” said Anton Hofreiter, head of the Greens in Germany’s parliament. Mr. Macron had pushed for much more ambitious goals, for example on climate change, but was rebuffed by Ms. Merkel, he said. Aachen produced “nice pictures but barely any substance”.

Some on the right of French politics have criticised the treaty, saying it signs away French sovereignty over eastern France. Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right Rassemblement National, called it an act of “treachery”.


Our assessment is that the new Franco-German treaty of friendship is a reassuring sign for the future of the EU, which was doubted by far-right parties in Europe after the Brexit vote. We believe that a reaffirmation of Franco-German unity will result in a more inclusive EU with deeper cooperation on many aspects. 



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