Labour will back a second referendum

Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Britain’s opposition Labour Party, announced that his bloc in Parliament would support a second referendum to stop what he called “a damaging Tory Brexit.” The Labour Party is a centre-left political party in the United Kingdom which has been described as an alliance of …

Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Britain’s opposition Labour Party, announced that his bloc in Parliament would support a second referendum to stop what he called “a damaging Tory Brexit.”


The Labour Party is a centre-left political party in the United Kingdom which has been described as an alliance of social democrats, democratic socialists and trade unionists. The party’s platform emphasises greater state intervention, social justice and strengthening workers’ rights. Labour is a full member of the Party of European Socialists and Progressive Alliance and holds observer status in the Socialist International. As of 2017, the party was considered the “largest party in Western Europe” in terms of party membership, with more than half a million members.

Jeremy Bernard Corbyn is a British politician serving as Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition since 2015. Corbyn was first elected Member of Parliament (MP) for Islington North in 1983. Although critical of the European Union, he supported continued membership in the 2016 referendum.

Recently, seven Labour MPs resigned from the party in protest of Corbyn and the Labour Party’s handling of the Brexit dilemma, with no leadership in opposition.


While Labour Party activists have been pushing their leader for months to back another public vote on Brexit, Corbyn had been cold to the idea. Many Labour voters — especially in Wales and the north of England — want Britain to leave the European Union.

Corbyn’s shift comes after he was battered by the abrupt resignations of nine Labour lawmakers last week. The defectors, who support remaining in the European Union, complained that Corbyn lacked leadership on the greatest issue facing Britain in a generation, and they urged more Labour members to quit.

Corbyn’s late support for a second referendum does not mean another public vote will happen. Prime Minister Theresa May, her government and most of her Conservative Party remain opposed to a do-over. Nor was its clear on Monday what kind of second referendum Corbyn supports. Brexit opponents want voters to be given a clear choice of leaving or staying in the European Union. Others say a second referendum, if it ever took place, should be more limited — asking voters, for example, if they support the deal May has negotiated with the European Union. 

The last week of February will see lawmakers putting forward motions seeking to delay Brexit beyond the scheduled departure date of March 29. Other amendments will try to stop Britain from leaving the European Union with no deal — a scenario that could cause economic chaos.

Corbyn said on Monday that Labour would also introduce its own amendment, laying out his party’s alternative deal for a much softer Brexit than May has negotiated with the Europeans. The Labour plan would keep Britain in an E.U. customs regime and single market. Such an arrangement probably would mean that Britain would have to continue to accept the free flow of immigrants from Europe. Corbyn said that only if Parliament — and the government — rejects Labour’s vision for Brexit would he and his party rally around a second referendum to stop May’s deal.

Conservative Party Chairman Brandon Lewis charged that Corbyn seeks to “betray the will of the British people and ignore the biggest democratic vote in our nation’s history.” Lewis said, “A divisive second referendum that would take us back to square one. Once again, it’s clear: Jeremy Corbyn is using Brexit to play his own political games.”

May spent the weekend in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, at a meeting of the leaders of European and Arab states, seeking support for additional language to her Brexit deal that would make it palatable to her party.

Many Conservative Party lawmakers have rejected May’s Brexit deal because it could keep Britain too closely tied to Europe to guarantee that there would be no return of a hard border in Ireland.


Our assessment is that Corbyn’s change of Brexit strategy may be too little or too late as the UK has just over a month for Brexit and PM May is nowhere close to getting a viable deal. We believe that if the Labour party ran on the promise of a second referendum in the 2017 snap elections, Corbyn could have won a small majority with an eventual coalition government. 


Image courtesy: YouTube/RevolutionBahrainMC (, „Jeremy Corbyn Bahrain 1“,


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