France’s Macron backs Ethiopia’s reforms

French President Emmanuel Macron has vowed to back Ethiopian Prime Minister on regional efforts and moves to strengthen the economy. Ethiopia’s reforms under PM Abiy so far have resulted in a 50% female cabinet and the first female President for the country. Ethiopia is a landlocked..

French President Emmanuel Macron has vowed to back Ethiopian Prime Minister on regional efforts and moves to strengthen the economy.

Ethiopia’s reforms under PM Abiy so far have resulted in a 50% female cabinet and the first female President for the country.


Ethiopia is a landlocked nation in eastern Africa, with a population of over 100 million: the second highest in Africa. Over 70% of the population is dependent on agriculture for livelihood and 80% of the population lives in rural areas. Ethiopia avoided colonial rule until the 20th century when it was invaded by fascist Italy in 1935. The occupation lasted 6 years. A revolt returned the former Emperor Selassie to power only to be overthrown by Soviet-backed dissidents in 1974. The Marxist Derg and its leader Colonel Mariam, who was responsible for the “red terror”, ruled for almost two decades, during which time the country saw severe droughts and famines.

Ethiopia has been home to growing unrest since 2014 when peaceful protests against a development project in Oromo were met with violence from the state. These protests grew into a call for political and economic reform, largely from the regions of Omoro and Amhara, whose people claimed a lack of representation. Hundreds of people were killed during these protests, and over 10 thousand arrested. A 10-month state of emergency was instituted in October 2016. A year later, protests erupted again, with a continued demand for political change and the release of political prisoners.

Ethiopia’s new Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who took office in April, has pledged political and economic reforms to address complaints of marginalization by a number of ethnic groups. A joint report by the UN and the Ethiopian government stated that ethnic violence in south Ethiopia has sparked an ongoing humanitarian crisis. Around 800,000 people have forcefully fled their homes with lack of food and other aids.


French President Emmanuel Macron has vowed to back Ethiopian Prime Minister on regional efforts and moves to strengthen the economy. Abiy Ahmed met his French counterpart on his official visit to Europe since taking office in April.

“We will be by at your side in your efforts to open policies, unification of the country, calming domestic tensions. We will be by your side in your efforts of economic transformation and liberalisation. We will be there for the regional pacification you are leading”, Macron said.

The two leaders discussed investment plans in cultural cooperation, urban development and Ethiopian Air transport development strategy, as well as signed three joint declarations. Macron praised the Ethiopian Prime Minister’s raft of reforms that have turned the region’s politics on its head. He said he welcomed Abiy’s unprecedented reforms to the country and the election of Ethiopia’s first female president Sahle-Work Zewde.

Abiy said he expects Macron to play a key role in peacemaking efforts between Eritrea and Djibouti — Ethiopia’s neighbors which have agreed last month to normalize ties a decade after a border dispute led to brief military clashes. Within a few months, Abiy has implemented sweeping economic and political reforms, among them making peace with longtime rival Eritrea, which has set off a series of diplomatic thaws in Africa’s turbulent Horn of Africa region.

Abiy has released thousands of prisoners, promised free and fair elections in 2020, welcomed home once-banned opposition groups and begun opening up the state-run economy. Last week, Ethiopian lawmakers approved the country’s first female president, who is also Africa’s only current female head of state.

However, the push for democratic reforms in Africa’s second most populous country hasn’t been smooth. With the widening political space and returning opposition voices, ethnic and other tensions have flared and human rights groups have warned against a return to the repressive tactics of mass arrests and internet cutoffs. Abiy also has been the target of an assassination attempt.

The French President will visit Ethiopia in March 2019.


Our assessment is that PM Abiy’s reforms have been a diplomatic coup as countries across the region are praising the drastic changes in the country. France’s endorsement, being one of Ethiopia’s most important trading partners, will go a long way for Abiy’s reforms in the future. We believe that Ethiopia’s efforts in a rough neighborhood, have been ground breaking and should be a model for other African countries to adopt.  


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