
A war will end all …

Russia and United States have shared an interesting history, both countries have engaged in a Cold War, in the years following the world’s two major World Wars. Vladimir Putin reminds us that we are no longer living in a world of conventional warfare. As trends around the world suggest an increase in the military..

Russia and United States have shared an interesting history, both countries have engaged in a Cold War, in the years following the world’s two major World Wars. Vladimir Putin reminds us that we are no longer living in a world of conventional warfare.

As trends around the world suggest an increase in the military capabilities of each Country, it reminds us that mankind may just be at the teeth of what mankind builds. With North Korea’s Kim Jong-un inducing a strong inclination towards weapon and machinery building in the name of national security and US building counter weapon, like the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) to intercept ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile), the world has fallen into the rat race trapping itself with hopes that it won’t terminate its own existence.

Russian Fighter obstructs a U.S Strategic Bomber

A US B-52 strategic bomber was found to be flying along the Russian border, on Tuesday at 0700 GMT to which a Russian Su-27 fighter jet, part of the Russian Navy’s Defense Petrol identified and escorted out of the border area. While NATO claims that the military exercises are imperative to increase confidence among its members, Russia has concerns over the NATO drills that occur so close to its border.

The Russian President asserts that NATO is only a foreign policy tool for the United States and once a country becomes party to it, it allots its landspace for US to deploy its weapons in the area. Russia views the NATO’S expansion as a threat, also owing to the fact that the world is no longer divided into blocs, why then does this cold war conception (NATO) existing today? 

No Scraps of Survival

Putin in an interview with American film maker, Oliver Stone said that if there were to be a war between Russia and the United States, not a single person would be able to survive it.  This depicts how far the nuclear age has come.

If the two countries were to engage in war, over a potential conflict, the two countries would be engaging in a nuclear death mission as Vladimir Putin confirms after assessing each Country’s military capabilities. While each country builds on machinery in the name of ‘National Security’, there is also greater danger that enters our space.  Are weapons the only way to ‘deter’ action?


Generations have passed since the World Wars and yet the method of achieving security has not changed. Insecurity has always made man a slave to his survival, with countries only replacing crude, primitive tools for highly sophisticated ones. This is a derailment from development in our world, in our species and in our thought process. The world has only become more dangerous with nuclear weapons catching up to the brim of survival.

Knowing very well that the military arsenal of two countries could eliminate the whole of humanity and all its life on the planet is not development that promotes peace but rather one that severely strangles it. Have we come so far off the grid that we no longer notice the cost of security is cutting right through the cost of humanity?

“Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.” – John F. Kennedy


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