Home alone- King of the throne

Donald Trump certainly isn’t new to the media circus he finds himself participating in today. 25 years ago, the man was out there talking about things that needed to be talked about, saying things people did, and didn’t want to hear. And he was making enemies then like he has now.

Donald Trump certainly isn’t new to the media circus he finds himself participating in today. 25 years ago, the man was out there talking about things that needed to be talked about, saying things people did, and didn’t want to hear. And he was making enemies then like he has now. The Trump Organization, on the other hand, was smaller, looser and much more freewheeling, and working for Trump, Nobles discovered, was a markedly different experience.

One more knight is out from Trump’s chess strategy, white house communications director Mike Dubke is leaving the administration, amid swirling speculation about a possible Trump staff shakeup. On 20 May 2017 , he told that he submitted his resignation on May 18 but offered to stay until the end of President Donald Trump’s foreign trip. A final day has not been set.

Dubke said he had “a good conversation with the President” after submitting his resignation. He declined to discuss the turmoil inside the West Wing, only saying he was resigning “for a number of reasons — for personal reasons.”

The position of communications director will remain vacant for a while as the President considers retooling his entire messaging operation. David Bossie, who served as a deputy campaign manager for Trump, will not be named communications director. He is more likely to be a senior adviser or some other yet-to-be determined role.

Trump’s First Trip

Trump returns to the White House this week just as he left — lonely, angry and not happy with much of anyone.  The presidency, Donald Trump is discovering, is not an easy or natural fit. Instead of celebrating a victory lap after touring the Middle East and meeting with the Pope and European leaders, Trump returned to the continuing controversy over Russia. He was preoccupied with legal issues and staff problems as the controversy placed his son-in-law, and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, as part of a counterintelligence investigation. Sessions with lawyers are nothing new for this litigious ex-businessman; but with infinitely higher stakes, this was different.

He now lives within himself, which is a dangerous place for Donald Trump to be. The sources say “They see him emotionally withdrawing. He’s gained weight. He doesn’t have anybody whom he trusts.”

The question, he adds, is whether Trump will understand the enormity of what he faces or will instead “be back to being arrogant and stubborn.” He will have to realize that “all this trip really did was hit the pause button.”

Trump comes home not only to an escalating Russian mess and an uphill fight over health care, but also to an important decision about the next FBI director. The President had warmed to the idea of former Sen. Joe Lieberman for the post, but Congress didn’t. As he was leaving for his first foreign trip he told friends Lieberman was out.

Bad Advice

Is Trump getting a bad advice? Talks are going on saying he’s getting bad advice legal and political. No one is giving him the landscape this is how it works, this is what you should do or not do. And no one has enough control or security to do that,” says one. But that begs the question, of course, of whether a sitting president should actually need to be told that he ought not try to interfere with a federal counterintelligence investigation. 


The mood inside the White House is fraught with tension, particularly with the Russia investigation that most staffers are walled off from. Several people don’t know where they stand, which adds to the uncertainty. It is also hard to say how long a Republican Congress could stand the heat and for how long will trump will rule the throne if he continues like this. He is known as a person who does not want advice, cannot be corrected and is too insecure to see any constructive feedback as anything other than an attack. To avoid further chaos and loneliness, it would require him to treat people correctly, consider the opinions given by his administrators and acknowledge that he can’t drain the swamp without getting drowned in leaks.


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