
Banning people, banning things.

The U.S government imposed a restriction, earlier this March, on ‘large electronic devices’ in aircraft cabins. The U.S Homeland Security Secretary, John Kelly confirmed that the move was part of a broader initiative to protect against potential security threat.

The U.S government imposed a restriction, earlier this March, on ‘large electronic devices’ in aircraft cabins. The U.S Homeland Security Secretary, John Kelly confirmed that the move was part of a broader initiative to protect against potential security threat.

It is believed that the terrorists are in particular, obsessed with knocking down an airplane in flight, especially if it is a U.S carrier. The U.S government feels that there is a need to implement security measures in the aviation sector. Reforms and security measures begin as the United States Transport Security Administration (TSA) have already put forth certain changes at selective airports, passengers now have to empty all the items in their carry-on bags so as to make the screening more effective.

Is the U.S facing security dilemma?

Earlier this year, in January, an executive order was passed in the United States of America to ban people from 6 countries namely – Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Now, a new order is rumored to be put in place in the aviation sector, one that involves things not people, given this fact, it might face smoother implementation process.

Raising the bar for Aviation Security?

The US government is suddenly hyped up about issuing security measures against terrorism, in the name of ‘National Security.’ In the last one week, there have been terrorist attacks in Egypt, Indonesia, Philippines and Manchester. According to Security Secretary of US Homeland Security, John Kelly, terrorism is a ‘generational struggle’ and might continue to grow in the next few decades, which will mean that countries will have to find ways to protect their respective territories.

The Security Secretary confirmed that the banning of laptops from and into the U.S on all international flights might happen as the government tries to implement tighter security protocols in the aviation sector. Sources reveal that the US is considering banning laptops because its intelligence agencies assert that the terrorist organizations attempt to design explosives that would be exactly the size of a laptop battery, thus posing a real threat.  


The US is no doubt considering all measures to safeguard its territory from terrorism, but it’s beginning to revolve its entire domestic and international politics around this matter. Is that safe or more so, would it really prove effective in the long run?

All internal and external policies carried out by a Country have to be carefully examined as every decision affects the Country’s diplomatic stance in the world. Every policy has its costs and benefits, the banning of people from various countries, for instance, have allowed for much popular criticism even among U.S citizens. The banning of laptops however, may institute a lower consumer demand as it affects the supply chain of the product in the economy. Can there be another way to deal with terrorism?

Terrorism has risen and taken new predominance in the policy making of most countries, like the United States but if only the symptoms are treated, rest assured it can never be entirely eliminated. Some law makers have argued that the travel ban for example, may have an adverse effect and motivate the terrorists to act more aggressively. Every move that a Country executes must therefore be examined with caution so as to ensure minimal damage even if ‘spoliation’ is to take place, on the terrorists’ part.


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