
Martial Law enforced

The President of Philippines has declared Martial Law on the Mindanao Island for 60 days, as per reports on the 23rd of May 2017. This is due to clashes between the security forces and Muslim fighters linked to the Islamic State (IS) in the city of Marawi on Mindanao.

The President of Philippines has declared Martial Law on the Mindanao Island for 60 days, as per reports on the 23rd of May 2017. This is due to clashes between the security forces and Muslim fighters linked to the Islamic State (IS) in the city of Marawi on Mindanao.

The Martial Law

Martial Law is a temporary law that can be enforced during an emergency, where military control is imposed on the normal civilian functions of the government. Martial law in Philippines would include suspension of the writ of Habeas corpus, establishment of checkpoints, imposition of curfews and increased impunity to soldiers to carry out arrests. Martial Law had been implemented in Philippines in 1972 by the then president Ferdinand Marcos.


Philippine forces clashed with the militants while trying to capture Isnilon Hapilon, who is one of the most wanted terrorist on the list of the US Department of Justice. $5 million would be rewarded if he was found and captured and he is suspected of seeking asylum in Marawi city. Two soldiers and one police officer were killed in the firefight, while 12 government forces were wounded. The gunmen are suspected to be members of two armed groups namely Abu Sayyaf and Maute which are loyal to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Martial law has been implemented by other countries during times of natural disasters or emergencies where the government had to enforce its rule over the public. Few examples include Thailand, China, Australia, etc. 


President Rodrigo Duterte had suggested imposing the Martial Law previously in the country to curb the drug trade. The most prominent effect of the Martial Law in the Mindanao Island will be on the civilians’ freedom. People might be forbidden from forming assemblies and curfews may be enforced occasionally. It may also lead to overuse and misuse of power, which may include detention of people for long periods and innocent people being tortured and imprisoned.

But on the brighter side, it will ensure the safety of the citizens as the entire city is surrounded by snipers and such a restriction imposed by the government will help them to come out of trouble faster. The Philippine government can also seek help from other countries to defend itself from the ISIL power. 


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